The International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON) is one of the international leading conferences for presenting cutting-edge research in the field of electric power systems. MEPCON is an excellent forum to share the research results with colleagues, discuss project outcomes, hear other point of views, begin short as well as long term scientific collaboration and interlinks. The conference will include workshops, panel discussions and technical papers. Distinguished speakers are invited to share their updated technical experience with the conference attendees.
On the occasion of the first convening of the conference in Aswan University, it is great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 26th edition of MEPCON in Aswan University, Egypt from 20-22 December 2025.
The objective of the conference is to bridge the gap between the academy and industry in key areas of electric power engineering and related subjects. It will provide a forum for national and international university faculties, research institutes, industry and utility engineers to exchange new concepts and challenges for reshaping the future electric power systems.